The non-profit association Garchen Shenpen Dawa was founded in Munich in 2022 at the special request of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche.
The name Shenpen Dawa means: "The moon that does good to others".
The purpose of the association is to collect donations for the financial endowment, development, and ongoing maintenance of the DRIKUNG GARCHEN INSTITUT e. V..
We are also able to support Buddhist projects at home and abroad.
If you would like to donate to the association, please use the following bank account:
Account holder: GARCHEN SHENPEN DAWA e.V.IBAN: DE41 4306 0967 1296 5467 00
Bank: GLS BANK (GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG)
Purpose: Garchen Shenpen Dawa
Please send donations from Taiwan to the bank details:
Account in Taiwan 台灣帳號:
Postbank code 郵局轉帳代碼: 700
Account Number 帳號: 00214410420644
Purpose: Garchen Shenpen Dawa
For donations from non-Euro countries, please use the following PayPal account:

Managing Board: Lama Tsering, Monika Sojer-Brockschmidt, Ute Sattelberger.
The Articles of Association:Satzung Garchen Shenpen Dawa